19 Apr 2020

Economics Worksheet

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Week 1: Class 10 – May / June 2018 Paper 1 Class 11- May / June 2018 Unit 1 Class 12 – May / June 2018 Unit 3 Week 2 : Class 10 – May / June 2018 Paper 2 Class 11 : May / June 2018 Unit 2 Class 12 – May/ June 2018...
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19 Apr 2020

Biology Worksheet

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Week 01 Q.1 Draw a diagram of human urinary system. Q.2 what is osmoregulation? Write the process of human osmoregulation. Week 02 Q.1 Write short notes on, I) plant  ii) animal iii) virus iv) bacteria Q.2 Write the composition of blood.
19 Apr 2020

Human biology

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 Week 01 Q.1 Draw a diagram of human ear. Q.2 Write the functions of all parts of ear. Week 02 Q.1 Write all food test process. Q.2 Write digestion process in mouth, stomach & small intestine.
19 Apr 2020

Human Biology

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Week 1: Class 10 – May / June 2019 Paper 1 Week 2 : Class 10 – May / June 2019 paper 3
19 Apr 2020

Biology Worksheet

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Week 1: Class 10 – May / June 2019 Paper 1 Class 11- May / June 2019 Unit 1&3 Class 12 – May / June 2019Unit 6 Week 2 : Class 10 – May / June 2019 Paper 2 Class 11 : May / June 2019Unit 2 Class 12 –  May/ June 2019Unit 4 &5