12 Nov 2015

Mid-Term Exam Fees

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Attention Parents, Guardians and Students: Mid-Term Exam Fees are now due. The fee structure for 2015-2016, is as follows: Class I-IV: TK 570/= Class V-VIII: TK 680/= Class IX-XII: TK 1230/= The last date for payment is November 22nd 2015. Please note that students will not be allowed to write the exam unless all dues...
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5 Nov 2015

Attention Parents, Guardians & Students

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The Midterm Examinations will begin on the 1st of December. Therefore, we are not holding the Midterm Parent-Teacher Meeting on the 27th and 28th of November as scheduled. Instead, concerned parents and guardians are more than welcome to come to school on Saturday, the 21st of November, to discuss their child’s progress, between 10:00 am...
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25 Oct 2015

BTV Broadcast

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ATTENTION Parents, Guardians and Students: Bangladesh Television (BTV) is airing a special broadcast today regarding our school. They will be airing it at 11:00 a.m.Bangladeshi Standard Time. It can also be viewed online at: http://www.jagobd.com/btvworld.html Thank you. Bangladesh International Tutorial
15 Oct 2015

Supreme Court ruling on VAT

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ATTENTION: As per its ruling on October 15th 2015, the Supreme Court has reinstated VAT on tuition fees for all private English medium schools for two months i.e. from October 16th 2015 to December 16th 2015 we will be charging 7.5% VAT.
15 Oct 2015

United Nations Day

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Attention: Parents, Guardians and Students, As Durga Puja will now be held on October 22nd 2015, United Nations Day at BIT has been brought one day ahead i.e. UN Day will now be held on October 21st. Students are authorized to wear either their National Costume or their Uniforms. No other form of dress is...
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11 Oct 2015

ATTENTION: Parents, Guardians and Students

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It is the new policy of the school that the Hijab may be worn only in BLACK or WHITE. This rule is being applied because students seem to be wearing any color of Hijab – hence we reiterate: 1) Black or 2) White Thank you. Bangladesh International Tutorial (B.I.T.)