
Recent Bulletin

Mid-Term Exam Fees

Attention Parents, Guardians and Students: Mid-Term Exam Fees are now due. The fee structure for 2015-2016, is as follows: Class...

Posted on12 Nov 2015
Attention Parents, Guardians and Students: Mid-Term Exam Fees are now due. The fee structure for 2015-2016, is as follows: Class I-IV: TK...
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Attention Parents, Guardians & Students

The Midterm Examinations will begin on the 1st of December. Therefore, we are not holding the Midterm Parent-Teacher Meeting on...

Posted on05 Nov 2015
The Midterm Examinations will begin on the 1st of December. Therefore, we are not holding the Midterm Parent-Teacher Meeting on the 27th...
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BTV Broadcast

ATTENTION Parents, Guardians and Students: Bangladesh Television (BTV) is airing a special broadcast today regarding our school. They will be...

Posted on25 Oct 2015
ATTENTION Parents, Guardians and Students: Bangladesh Television (BTV) is airing a special broadcast today regarding our school. They will be airing it...
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Supreme Court ruling on VAT

ATTENTION: As per its ruling on October 15th 2015, the Supreme Court has reinstated VAT on tuition fees for all...

Posted on15 Oct 2015
ATTENTION: As per its ruling on October 15th 2015, the Supreme Court has reinstated VAT on tuition fees for all private English...
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United Nations Day

Attention: Parents, Guardians and Students, As Durga Puja will now be held on October 22nd 2015, United Nations Day at...

Posted on15 Oct 2015
Attention: Parents, Guardians and Students, As Durga Puja will now be held on October 22nd 2015, United Nations Day at BIT has...
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