Book Launch at Dhaka University on 11.11.19 and Discussion Panel at Dhaka Lit Fest-2019
Babu Bangladesh celebrated its auspicious book launch on Monday, the 11th of November, 2019, at Dhaka University. Being nominated for the Shakti Bhatt Award, the novel of Late Dr. Numair Atif Choudhury, cemented its legacy in South Asian English Literature and also set a bench mark for other novels to follow. The beautiful yet somber book launch programme was graced by important dignitaries, academics and well-wishers.
The Dhaka Lit Fest also had a panel to have a one-hour discussion about Babu Bangladesh. Kanishka Gupta, representative of Harper Collins, spoke very movingly about the literary aspects of Babu Bangladesh and of how it finally came into being and got published, during his speech at the discussion.